Recipe How to Make Delicious Flour Fried Oncom - Cara Loger

Minggu, 15 September 2019

Recipe How to Make Delicious Flour Fried Oncom

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Recipe How to Make Delicious Flour Fried Oncom - Next time we serve dishes from Oncom. Although Oncom is food from waste or only tofu dregs, this one foodstuff is very good to be processed. For example, made sauteed Oncom mixed with green chilli slices. Very appetizing. Oncom is very famous in West Java and Jakarta. You can get it in traditional markets. Here we present one example of a dish that you can try, the raw material from the Oncom. Please try.

Ingredients for Making Flour Fried Oncom Recipes:

- 1 Oncom board, cut into 2

Materials for coatings:

150 gr of flour
2 grains of garlic
2 candlenuts
1/2 coriander
Salt & flavouring to taste
1 tablespoon sliced ​​green onion
Enough water, until desired thickness.

How to make or how to cook it:

- Finely gently rub all the spices and add flour and stir until smooth.
- Put the pieces of Oncom into the flour mixture, then fry one until cooked and brownish in colour
- Serve with cayenne pepper

That's one more recipe from this blog. Hopefully you like it and of course good luck in your own kitchen. Thank you.
