Recipe for Making Tasty Nagasari - Cara Loger

Minggu, 15 September 2019

Recipe for Making Tasty Nagasari

Baca Juga

Recipe How to Make Nagasari Tasty - One more simple recipe we submit to you through this simple blog. This time we present the recipe for making Nagasari. The soft taste of rice flour is added to the sweet taste of the bananas in it will taste your tongue. Besides containing carbohydrates from rice cakes this cake also contains vitamins and fibre contained in bananas. Where bananas have many benefits, among others as a source of vitamins and fibre, can reduce the pain of heartburn, can improve our mood, facilitate the flow of oxygen to the brain, facilitate the body's metabolic processes and many other benefits. Please refer to the following recipe.

Ingredients needed for Making Nagasari Cakes:

  • 250 gr. Rice flour
  • 2 tbsp. Sago flour / starch / aci flour
  • 175 gr. Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 850 ml of coconut milk
  • Banana leaves for wrapping
  • Pandan leaves
  • Plantain / Kepok Banana, cut into 2 pieces.

How to Cook Nagasari Cakes:

- Melt rice flour and sago flour with some coconut milk set aside.
- Boil the remaining coconut milk, add pandan leaves, salt and sugar.
- Enter the flour before, stir until it dissolves and thickens.
- Take 1 sheet of banana leaf, give 1 tablespoon of dough, give 1 piece of banana, cover with 1 tablespoon of dough. Then fold it.
- Do it until the dough runs out
- Steam for 20-30 minutes.

That's one more recipe from this blog. Hopefully you like it and of course good luck in your own kitchen. thanks.
