Kampung Enak Fried Rice Recipe - Cara Loger

Minggu, 15 September 2019

Kampung Enak Fried Rice Recipe

Baca Juga

Kampung Enak Fried Rice Recipe This time we will discuss about this one recipe. This Delicious Village Fried Rice Recipe uses ingredients that are simple and easy to obtain. Ingredients can be found at supermarkets or food stalls near you. Cooking is a fun hobby. If we have been busy in the kitchen for cooking as if we have forgotten the time. Of course your husband and baby will be happy if you have a wife and mama or mother who is good at cooking. Hopefully, this recipe will become a favourite recipe for your family and baby. Good listening and try it in your respective kitchens.

Ingredients for making delicious kampung fried rice:

  • one plate of white rice
  • 1 chicken egg, scrambled scrambled
  • 2 cloves finely sliced ​​shallots
  • 1 clove of finely chopped garlic
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 1 piece of cayenne pepper, sliced ​​into small pieces
  • 1/2 teaspoon cooked shrimp paste (roasted)
  • pepper to taste
  • salt to taste
  • butter to taste
  • in addition, you can add pieces of carrots, corn or chicken if you like

How to make delicious kampung fried rice:

Heat the butter, saute shallots and garlic until fragrant and add chopped chili.
Add additional carrots, corn or chicken.
Add the white rice and eggs, stir until smooth.
Add pepper, shrimp paste, soy sauce and salt.
Cook until cooked fried rice.
Serve while still warm.
